First & Second Class, St. Oliver Plunkett N.S., Welcome to Our Webpage.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Static Electricity
We have been studying electricity and its uses in our homes and in school. We decided to do an experiment to show that static electricity is also present, especially in Winter when the weather is very dry. It was a bit hair-raising!
posted by St. Oliver Plunkett's National School @ 3:52 PM
Star Performances at the Ceolchoirm.
Well done to all of you. It was very entertaining. You sang, danced and played instruments beautifully. Thank you to all the parents who came to see us perform.
posted by St. Oliver Plunkett's National School @ 3:18 PM
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Our Favourite Baby Toys
These are the toys that we played with when we were babies. Our Mammies and Daddies helped us to remember our favourites.
posted by St. Oliver Plunkett's National School @ 2:24 PM
Friday, April 02, 2010
Irish Dancing Winner
This is a trophy that I won for Irish Dancing.
posted by St. Oliver Plunkett's National School @ 2:02 PM
Bedtime Story
This is a book that I have written. It is a bedtime story that I read for my sister and brother.
posted by St. Oliver Plunkett's National School @ 1:56 PM